Your domain name is a crucial part of your online presence and it’s incredibly important that you are in control of your website’s domain name.

If you aren’t, you could be facing a number of dangers that could be harmful for your business in the long term.

Benefits of owning your domain:

  • It enforces brand identity and strengthens your impression as a reputable company.

  • It allows people to find you on the internet. Returning visitors become familiar with that address and use it to find you. You may also get lucky with others stumbling across you by searching for ‘’.

  • Your domain may well be the name of your business - in which case it can be very important to obtain and sustain ownership while you continue to trade under that name.

Simple dangers of not:

  • You may have paid thousands of pounds and poured countless hours into establishing a good web identity which can be taken away from you overnight.

  • You can move your website to a new domain - but will your returning customers be able to find you?

  • You may have a good relationship with your developer now - but what happens if things suddenly change? You may have a disagreement with them, or they may go out of business.

Regardless of how good your website is, it’d be nothing without a good domain. Your website will hold all the information you want to show your customers, whereas the domain name is a landmark which google, and web browsers, will use to locate your website’s content.

But have you ever stopped to think about whether you actually own that address that you’ve been telling people about? If the answer is no, then you really need to read on...

Ownership and administrative access to your domain name are arguably more important factors to consider than your website itself, and a number of companies (even some high profile) have been caught out by not checking this in the past.

There are a number of free online sources for further information regarding domain registration, such as and - but the best way to protect yourself, and your business, is to come to us.

We deal with these types of queries all the time and have expert legal partners who can help you claim your name.